Precise density and thickness measurement

Innovative millimeter wave technology enables precise density and thickness measurement of plastic sheets during extrusion, regardless of material and temperature. With the PLANOWAVE 6000, plastic sheets as thin as 1.6 mm (.00629”) can be measured with extremely high accuracy.

The inline measuring system delivers precise measured values of volume density and thickness immediately after the start of the production line. In combination with the ECOCONTROL 6000 processor system, the measurement results are clearly visualized and logged numerically and graphically.


Advantages of the PLANOWAVE 6000

  • Continuous acquisition of measured values: seamless across the entire panel width; up to 100 % coverage thanks to traversing sensor
  • “One-button operation”: simple operation of the system without calibration or input of material parameters thanks to patented automated determination of the refractive index
  • Early measurement: reduction of start-up scrap thanks to hot measurement directly after the calender
  • Measurement of volume density and density profile for optimum sheet quality


Your personal benefit

By using the PLANOWAVE 6000, you can measure the density, thickness and weight per unit at the touch of a button and avoid unnecessary start-up scrap. You receive measured values with the highest absolute accuracy available on the market – without gaps across the entire panel width – and can therefore comply with the required standards and ensure optimum density distribution. Furthermore, you guarantee the maximum quality of your product and at the same time ensure the optimum efficiency of your extrusion process. An investment that pays off!