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Advantages of the new millimeter wave technology

Even without any knowledge of the properties of the extruded materials and its temperatures, the CENTERWAVE 6000 seamlessly measures the outer dimensions as well as the wall thicknesses for the complete circumference, providing a precision to a previously unknown degree.

At least one or several sensors, so-called transceivers, arranged around the circumference of a pipe, continuously send and receive frequency modulated millimeter waves. Boundary layers reflect these waves, which are detected and demodulated by the receiving unit of the regarding transceiver. These receive signals contain information regarding the distance between boundary layers of different materials. After an algorithmic processing of the receive signals of each sensor, the requested measuring values regarding diameter, ovality and wall thickness are ready for visualization and control within only a few milliseconds.


Measuring PrincipleNon-contact on the basis of FMCW* millimeter wave technology
ApplicationExtrusion lines for large pipes
Area of Application- Smooth pipes
- Foamcore pipes
- Multi-layer pipes
MaterialAny kinds of plastics (e.g. PE, HDPE, PP, PA6, PVC), ceramic, glass
Measuring RangesCENTERWAVE 6000/250: 32 - 250 mm
CENTERWAVE 6000/400: 90 (optional 60) - 400 mm
CENTERWAVE 6000/630: 90 - 630 mm
CENTERWAVE 6000/800: 160 - 800 mm
CENTERWAVE 6000/1200: 250 - 1,200 mm
CENTERWAVE 6000/1600: 250 - 1,600 mm
(larger measuring ranges on request)
Wall ThicknessMinimum wall thickness: 1.6 mm**
CalibrationThe CENTERWAVE 6000 does not require any calibration
Measuring Frequency80 - 300 GHz
Measuring Rate370 Hz
Power Supply200 - 240 V (100 - 460 V) AC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz
Ambient Temperature+ 5 to + 45 °C
InterfacesRS232, USB
Optional: industrial field busses such as CANopen, EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, Profinet IO, Profibus-DP, LAN (Ethernet), OPC DA/UA
*Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave
**Smaller wall thicknesses on request